Closed System Colonic


๐™ƒ๐’๐™ฌ ๐™– ๐˜พ๐’๐™ค๐’”๐™š๐’… ๐‘บ๐™ฎ๐’”๐™ฉ๐’†๐™ข ๐˜พ๐’๐™ก๐’๐™ฃ ๐™ƒ๐’š๐™™๐’“๐™ค๐’•๐™๐’†๐™ง๐’‚๐™ฅ๐’š ๐’˜๐™ค๐’“๐™ ?
  • A Therapist explains system/procedure and does rectal insertion.
  • Abdominal massage performed, digestive system explained.
  • Hot and cold treatments explained to tone the colon.
  • Treatment can be interrupted at any time for clients comfort.
  • During the whole process, the therapist is educating the client on dietary and lifestyle factors, the correlation between the digestive system and the nervous system and improving general wellbeing.
  • Holistic approach relationship with self, diet, work and home.
  • Peristalsis stimulation (like taking your colon to the gym!)
  • Therapist can identify dehydration, unchewed food and give an explanation.
  • Duration usually 45 – 60 minutes.

(๐‘Ž๐‘ก ๐พ๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘Ž ๐ถ๐‘œ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘–๐‘ ๐ถ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘’, ๐‘ค๐‘’ ๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘’ ๐‘ ๐‘ฆ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘š ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘‘)

Open System Colonic


๐‘ฏ๐™ค๐’˜ ๐’‚๐™ฃ ๐™Š๐’‘๐™š๐’ ๐‘บ๐™ฎ๐’”๐™ฉ๐’†๐™ข ๐˜พ๐’๐™ก๐’๐™ฃ ๐™ƒ๐’š๐™™๐’“๐™ค๐’•๐™๐’†๐™ง๐’‚๐™ฅ๐’š ๐’˜๐™ค๐’“๐™ ?

  • Person explains system and will advise how to do your own insertion.
  • Person advising you does not require a certificate in Australia.
  • Machine set to 45 minutes, after you have done your own insertion.
  • Tea and heat pack, television may be provided, you are left on your own.
  • Various instructions may be offered.
  • If you are cramping or feeling uncomfortable, you can press the buzzer. In certain instances they may turn off the water most times you just carry on.
  • You release down a shute, there can be noise and an odour.
  • You have no idea what you are releasing, as this is your first experience.