Colonic Preparation Guide


  • Two days before your appointment we recommend you consume water containing and alkalising drinks such as almond milk, juice, lemon juice, coconut water, herbal tea) and foods such as spinach, kale, cucumber, broccoli. This will help to assist in breaking up toxic matter in your system.
  • Drink fresh pressed vegetable juices on an empty stomach (not with your meals or immediately after).
  • Improve your detoxification process by simply incorporating a leafy green salad before all your cooked meals.
  • Eat as many water containing vegetables as possible. Choose cucumber, celery, lettuce, spinach, avocado, tomato, carrots, sprouts, and radish.
  • Avoid oil heavy dressings. Instead use lemon/lime juice, fire tonic, a small amount of macadamia nut oil, pine nuts or sunflower seeds, or avocado.
  • Refrain from raw broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage as they can be gas forming, you can have these lightly steamed. Roasted vegetables including pumpkin and sweet potato can be added to salads. Avoid processed/packaged foods, eggs, gluten, animal protein, dairy, alcohol and anything carbonated (i.e. soda, seltzer, sparkling water).

The Day of Your Colonic


  • Start your day with a fresh pressed vegetable juice for optimum results in your colonic session.
  • Fresh fruit, blended smoothies or soups, toasted gluten free bread with mashed avocado + sea salt and all the vegetables mentioned above are great choices.
  • Avoid too much solid, dense food.
  • Stay hydrated the day of your appointment but avoid solid food for three hours before your appointment.
  • Avoid drinking any beverages (including water) 1 hour prior to your session so that you don’t have a full bladder.

After Care

You can go back to everyday life after a session. Some clients go to the gym, work or play sports. We do recommend that if it is your first colonic to relax after the session due to the large release of toxins. You might find you need to go to the toilet more frequently then often with loose stools. Please wait one hour after treatment before eating.